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Release the tiny beasts!

A new spell has been circulating among wizards across the realms. This new spell, called Liberate Familiar, has the power to free a wizard's familiar from its bonds. This loyal servant who has been with the wizard on many adventures, over many years, now becomes its own independent creature. It gains the power of speech, increased mental statistics, and is able to begin adventures of its own. 

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All the familiar species are included and balanced for exciting gameplay. Thirteen animal races from the Find Familiar spell are available to you and each has three distinct sub-races. That is nearly 40 fantasy animals you can choose from!

 Your familiar can choose from 6 classes, each of which leans heavily upon one of the six abilities. Within each class are three sub-classes. These draw from the three aspects of every familiar: their physical form, their arcane past, and their spirit type (Celestial, Fey, or Fiend). The book also contains rule options for those who want to play existing classes.

 Wizards rely on their familiars in different ways. UnFamiliar offers 13 distinctly different D&D backgrounds to reflect your past experience. As part of the balancing with the standard races, each background includes a new cantrip you can cast. This cantrip was not only helpful for your previous life as a familiar but will be useful for adventuring, too.

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UnFamiliar is now the basis for a class on

Kids age 6 to 11 can have fun learning D&D using UnFamiliar. Find a weekly session that fits your schedule. 

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